
We have a range of established programs, but can also develop bespoke training, provide expert review and advice, or implement specific research projects to add value to existing strategies and initiatives.

Workplace Mental Health

We apply what is known as ‘an integrated approach to workplace mental health’ in all of our services, having contributed to its development and applied it successfully in a range of contexts [1]. An integrated approach champions simultaneous focus on three key areas of action that have been informed by a multidisciplinary evidence base:

  1. protecting worker mental health from harm,

  2. promoting the positive aspects of work and worker strengths and capacities, and

  3. addressing mental health problems as they arise at work, regardless of cause.

  • Awareness sessions
    i) leadership engagement
    ii) team level engagement

  • Skills workshops
    i) supporting and managing employees with mental health issues [2]
    ii) understanding and managing workplace psychosocial risks to mental health
    iii) promoting the positives to enhance employee mental wellbeing

  • Strategy and evaluation services

    We can conduct a review of your existing data, policies and strategies, consult any available industry/occupation specific evidence summaries, guidelines [3], regulatory frameworks or codes of practice, and recommend any areas for development.

    We are experienced in dealing with many different types of organisation including public, private and not for profit as well as small and micro businesses. If you develop your strategy in house, we can assist you with any aspects on an as needs basis via our specialist ad-hoc consulting service day rates e.g. we can supply program evaluation designs and implement data collection and analysis if independent evaluation is preferred or required.

    If you don’t have the internal resources or expertise to support strategy creation/implementation, we can develop a tailored delivery solution to meet your organisation’s needs and budget via a service contract.