Evaluation — Pracademia


Evaluation of workplace mental health initiatives is important for examining ‘what works’ in relation to your strategy, investment and challenges.

Developing interventions or programs that promote workplace mental health requires both process and outcome evaluation e.g. the public health approach represented by the REAIM principles: Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption Implementation and Maintenance.

See a selection of our evaluation projects with intervention design and delivery partners:


Process evaluation and recommendations for the NSW SafeWork Workplace Mental Health Coaching service for small-medium enterprise owners delivered by Transitioning Well, 2024.

Evaluation services for two WorkSafe Victoria WorkWell projects:

  • Perinatal Workplace Wellbeing Program, 2018-2021.

  • Ageing Workforce Ready Program, 2019-2022.

Evaluation of the Perinatal Mental Health and Wellbeing Program for Small Businesses (Funded by the Commonwealth Government, Dept of Health, 2022-24).


Queensland Government - Department of Small Business, Employment and Training

Evaluation of the Queensland Small Business Support Network, 2023.


Deakin University

Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training and Education: Project evaluation, 2020-2022.


Awakended Mind

Evaluation of corporate mindfulness program and app – with Dr Larissa Bartlett, Menzies Research Institute, 2018-19.


Tasmanian Government

Department of Police, Fire & Emergency Services Tasmania: Evaluation design for Project Wellbeing, 2018.