partnership programs

Psychological Capital (PsyCap) reflects the positive psychological resources of hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism and is positively associated with a range of desirable employee attitudes, states and behaviours (e.g. job satisfaction, organisational commitment, psychological wellbeing, citizenship and performance). Our research in this area informs our practical approach to developing psychological capital in individuals and work teams.

Our PsyCap programs are delivered in partnership with our national partner Transitioning Well


Individual Development Workshops

The PsyCap workshop promotes positive thinking patterns that can challenge and replace deep-seated assumptions and beliefs over time using a series of exercises individuals complete within a group-based workshop, or coaching format.


Team Development Workshops

PsyCap can also be experienced at a collective level, within work teams and groups. Team psychological capital (team PsyCap) reflects shared positive psychological resources of hope, efficacy resilience and optimism.

Research has shown that team PsyCap has significant associations with desirable team outcomes (e.g. team performance) as well as individual employee outcomes (e.g. job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions).

The Team PsyCap workshop promotes positively-oriented attitudes and behaviours within work groups and fosters shared belief in the team’s conjoint capacities and probability for success.


Booster Sessions

Booster sessions are designed to provide opportunity for participants to further develop the skills learned in the initial workshop and to tailor these skills to their own personal work- related goals and challenges. These sessions run for 1 hour and are recommended 6-8 weeks after the initial workshop.